Working to transform the child welfare system.


HB 1216: Non-firearm measures to increase school safety and student well-being

Among a number of provisions, the bill establishes a statewide network of the structural components necessary to enhance student safety in schools that is based on the work of the state school safety center.  A number of tasks are assigned to the center (that will work in conjunction with the regional school safety centers), including the development of plans for recognition, initial screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students.

The regional school safety centers are established and also assigned a number of duties that must be provided to the school districts.  One of the duties is behavioral health coordination that at a minimum includes:

Providing support for school district development and implementation of plans for recognition, initial screening, and response to emotional or behavioral distress in students;

  • Facilitating partnerships and coordination between school districts, public schools, and existing regional and local systems of behavioral health care services and supports in order to increase student and family access to the services and supports;
  • Assisting school districts and public schools in building capacity to identify and support students in need of behavioral health care services and to link students and families with community –based behavioral health care services;
  • Identifying, sharing and integrating, to the extent practicable, behavioral and physical health care service delivery models;
  • Providing training related to Medicaid billing, technical assistance, and coordination between school districts; and
  • Guidance in implementing best practices in response to, and to recover from, the suicide or attempted suicide of a student.

HB 1216 establishes a school safety and student well-being advisory committee, to advise the superintendent of public instruction, the state school safety center, the regional school safety centers, school districts, and public and private schools on all matters related to comprehensive school safety and student well-being.  The superintendent of public instruction is required to appoint the members of the committee and the bill details the necessary representation. 

*Companion to SB 5317*


Updated on 4.12.19:

1st substitute:

  • The substitute bill requires that safe school plans include a family-student reunification plan.

2nd substitute:

  • A null and void clause is added.
  • The requirement that the Regional School Safety Centers (regional centers) provide comprehensive school safety planning coordination, and language requiring that state and regional safety center staff allocations be based on certificated instructional staff allocations and benefit rates is removed.
  • Includes the requirement that the behavioral health coordination provided by the regional centers include suicide prevention training; and
  • That the School Safety and Student Well-being Advisory Committee (advisory committee) include members representing the Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; and 

The President of the Senate appoint two members of the two largest caucuses of the Senate rather than the majority and minority leaders appointing two members from each of the relevant caucuses, for inclusion in the advisory committee.