Working to transform the child welfare system.


HB 1758: Concerning the business of child care

HB 1758 directs the department of early learning to contract with a nonprofit entity that provides quality improvement services to participants in the early achievers program to develop, in consultation with the community and technical college system, a community-based training module for licensed child care providers. The training module must train providers specifically in managing and sustaining a child care business and support licensed child care providers who have been rated in early achievers and who are specifically interested in serving children in the early childhood education and assistance program. By school year 2020-2021, the module must be offered statewide with the goal of training enough child care providers to serve all children eligible for the early childhood education and assistance program.

The bill also establishes a child care workforce and business development work group. The purpose of the work group is to address improving the stability of the early learning workforce and sustaining and expanding access to high quality care throughout the state.