Working to transform the child welfare system.


HB 2165: Relating to department of early learning fatality reviews

HB 2165 states that the Department of Early Learning must conduct a child fatality review if a child fatality occurs in an early learning program, a licensed child care center, or a licensed child care home. The bill prescribes specific, mandatory action steps by the Department of Early Learning directly following a child fatality, including: convening a child fatality review committee with specific requirements around membership, ensuring the primary purpose of the fatality review be to development recommendations to the department and legislature, issuing a report of the review (subject to public disclosure) within 180 days following the fatality, and ensuring access to all records by the fatality review team. 

Additionally, HB 2165 requires that the Dept. of Early Learning consult with the Office of the Family and Children’s Ombuds to determine if a review should be conducted in the case of a near fatality that occurs in an early learning program or licensed child care center or home.

HB 2165 was amended by the Early Learning and Human Services Committee, adding, “Eve Uphold Act” as the short title.

Human Services and Corrections Amendment:  As amended, the Review Committee may consult with the coroner or medical examiner, or the coroner or examiner’s designee, of the county in which fatality or near fatality occurred. The term near fatality is defined.