HB 2191 amends the allocation of state funding to support instructional program of basic education with the requirement that school districts implement a homeless student housing and educational stability program (HSHESP). The Program would be operated in conjunction with partner organizations approved by OSPI, focusing on stabilizing housing for students and their families, and addressing the individual needs of homeless students and their families that impairs student learning, student engagement, and readiness to learn. Services that may be provided are rental assistance, emergency shelter, and case management. The HSHESP may also cover the administrative costs of the school districts and the partner organizations.
A homeless student is defined as a student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence as set forth in the federal McKinney-Vento homeless assistance act.
The superintendent of public instruction will monitor the HSHESP to evaluate the effectiveness of a district’s allocation and spending of resources and monitor fidelity in implementing best practices. The OSPI can provide technical assistance to school districts to improve effectiveness.
Further, the bill states that in order to provide additional allocations to support the HSHESP, and the additional costs for supportive services associated with the portion of students with disabilities and other high-cost needs, each school district receives: (a) a percentage of the fair market rent published by HUD to accommodate an average of six months of housing and educational stability case management services costs for HSHESP; and (b) an average of 12 months of housing and educational stability case management services costs for students with disabilities. These changes are effective September 1, 2015 for the 2015-2016 school year; and September 1, 2018 for the costs associated with the minimum requirements needed to reduce classroom sizes in K-12.