Working to transform the child welfare system.


HR 3445: Jobs, On-the-Job ‘Earn While You Learn’ Training and Apprenticeships for Young African Americans Act of 2021

This legislation will create a diversity and inclusion administrator position within the Employment and Training Administration at the Department of Labor (DOL) that is responsible for promoting and assisting greater African American participation in registered appreticeship (RA) programs. The DOL will also be directed to support the recruitment, employment, and retention of African American and other nontraditional Black populations in programs under the national apprenticeship system in high skill, high wage, and in-demand industries. The RA application process will also require new sponsors to include a plan to boost African American participation in their apprenticeship programs. Finally, the legislation will establish a competitive grant program for eligible RAs to create, increase, or expand African American participation in both traditional and non-traditional apprenticeship industries.