SB5331 establishes an early childhood court program for young children and their families involved or at risk of becoming involved in Washington’s child welfare system. The law outlines that superior courts may establish an early childhood court program to serve the needs of infants and toddlers in the dependency system and defines core components into the program:
1. a MOU with DCYF about the terms;
2. a community coordinator;
3. an active community team; and
4. rules related to post-removal conferences and family team meetings.
SB5331 also directs judges of the superior court judicial districts with early childhood court programs to adopt local rules directing the programs and lays out requirements of judicial officers hearing cases in an early childhood court program.
Finally, the law directs the Administrative Office of the Courts to conduct a program evaluation and post it on their website.
Substitute Bill:
- Establishes the Early Childhood Court Program (ECCP) which superior courts may implement to serve the needs of infants and toddlers under the age of three who are dependent.
- Creates training requirements for judicial officers hearing cases in an ECCP.
- Directs the Administrative Office of the Courts to administer the training requirements and, if funding is available, evaluate the ECCPs.
Senate Floor Amendment:
- Allows community coordinators to be employed by the court, the county, or a nonprofit entity. Makes the administrative office of the courts’ involvement in certification of training requirements subject to available funding.
Second Substitute:
- Establishes the Early Childhood Court Program (ECCP) which superior courts may implement to serve the needs of infants and toddlers under the age of three who are dependent.
- Creates training requirements for judicial officers hearing cases in an ECCP.
- Provides that, the Administrative Office of the Courts is to administer the training requirements and evaluate the ECCPs, subject to appropriations.