Working to transform the child welfare system.


SB 5607: Relating to dual language learning in early learning and K-12 education

SB5607 directs the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop and administer a K-12 dual language grant program to grow capacity for high quality dual language learning in the public schools.  The bill also establishes a heritage language grant program through OSPI and directs the Dept. of Children, Youth, and Families to develop and administer the early learning dual language grant program, intended to grow capacity for high quality dual language learning in child care and early childhood education and assistance programs in order to better meet the needs of English learners. DCYF is required to establish one full-time employee dual language specialist position to coordinate training, outreach, engagement, and education for parents and families about the benefits of native language development, retention, and dual language learning.  Additionally, the department must provide early learning providers with professional development materials translated into target languages other than English.

*Companion to HB 1322