Working to transform the child welfare system.


SB 5635: Expanding opportunities for students to pursue mental and behavioral health professions

This bill expands opportunities for students to pursue mental and behavioral health professions.

SB 5635 amends previous RCW for the college board workforce education program to include ninety credits for students in an opportunity grant-eligible program of study, including required related courses, that result in a certificate or degree required for employment in a behavioral health profession. Extended opportunity grant funding is limited to no more than a total of ninety credits or for more than four years from initial receipt of grant funds.

*Companion to HB1850


House (Updated on 4.12.19):

1st substitute:

  • Opportunity Grant Program
    • The Opportunity Grant Program is expanded to allow students pursuing behavioral health professions to qualify for the award for 90 credits or up to four years.
    • The definition of “behavioral health professions” was removed.
  • Washington State Opportunity Scholarship Program
    • For students pursuing advanced degrees in health professions, the service obligation is removed.
    • The WSOS Board is required to identify high employer demand programs of study rather than determine high employer demand programs.
    • Additional technical corrections are made to the account language.

The service obligation for students pursuing advanced degrees in health professions was struck.