SB 5645, among other provisions, expands upon the definition of a person in need of assisted outpatient treatment for the purposes of court ordered treatments. The bill outlines how a person qualifies as someone in need of assisted outpatient treatment, who may petition a court for less restrictive alternative treatments for people in need of assisted outpatient treatment, and the process of petitioning. Court orders for assisted outpatient treatment may be effective for up to 18 months. The bill also removes the option for designated crisis responders to initiate involuntary outpatient treatment for gravely disabled or people at risk of serious harm due to a behavioral health disorder, though detention remains an option. The bill updates the length of time options for assisted outpatient treatment and involuntary treatment, as well as strikes the clause that courts must enter an order for less restrictive alternative treatments and may not order inpatient treatment in certain circumstances. The bill adds partial hospitalization as a less restrictive alternative treatment and includes a section pertaining to adolescents in need of assisted outpatient treatment.