Working to transform the child welfare system.


SB 5800: Concerning homeless college students

SB 5800 directs the college board and the student achievement council to participate in a pilot (four college districts and two public, four year institutions) to provide assistance to students experiencing homelessness and to students who were in the foster care system when they graduated high school. 

Accommodations that must be provided include, but are not limited to: access to laundry facilities, storage, locker room and shower facilities, reduced-price meals or meal plans, food banks, technology, short-term housing or housing assistance (esp. during seasonal breaks), and case management services.

The colleges and four year institutions must provide the legislature with information related to the pilot, including:

  • the number of students experiencing homelessness and number who were in foster care who participated;
  • the number of students assisted by the pilot;
  • strategies for accommodating students experiencing homelessness and former foster care students; and
  • recommendations for how these students could be better served. 

The pilot expires July 1, 2023.

*Companion Bill: HB 1572*


Updated on 4.12.19:

1st substitute:

  • Added language to encourage institutions not participating in the pilot program to take part and provide appropriate data.

2nd substitute:

  • Provided that the requirement that pilot districts and institutions be selected is subject to appropriations.

House Committee Amendments (Updated on 4.12.19):

The striking amendment:

  • Requires the four-year institutions and community or technical colleges participating in the pilot program to add data on students experiencing food insecurity to the report to the Legislature.
  • The bill is null and void if funding is not specifically provided in the omnibus appropriations act.