Partners for Our Children

See bill summary from 2017 session.

*Companion to SB 5440

As amended by Early Learning and Human Services, the third substitute bill makes the following changes: 

-The goal of reducing people living 200% below the federal poverty level by 50% by 2025 and the requirement of an annual report is removed.

-The deadline for the five and ten year plans to address intergenerational poverty is changed from December 1, 2018 to December 1, 2019.

-Voting membership replaces DEL with DCYF, adds DOH and DOC as voting members, and designates OFM and committee co-chairs as non-voting members

-Commission on African American Affairs, Hispanic Affairs, Asian Pacific American Affairs, and the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs are removed from the committee and added to the task force as non-voting members.

-Members representing DCYF and DSHS are added to the committee

-Direction to the Governor to request participation by representatives of tribal governments on the task force is removed

-Establishment of a data tracking system to track intergenerational poverty is removed

Amendments made on the House floor make the following changes:

Requires state agency members to provide staff support for the task force and specifies that the Secretary of the Department of Social and Health Services convenes the initial meeting. Requires Senate Committee Services and the House Office of Program Research to provide additional support to legislative members of the task force. Removes subsections authorizing the task force to establish subcommittees and providing for payment of task force expenses by the Senate and the House. The requirement for the five and ten year plans are replaced with a five-year plan to reduce intergenerational poverty and promote self-sufficiency; the task force five-year plan will be reviewed by December 1, 2024.

Language promoting and encouraging self-sufficiency is also added.