Ben de Haan, Associate Dean for Social Service Innovation and Partnerships at the UW School of Social Work, was recently appointed by Gov. Jay Inslee to serve on the board of Washington’s newly created Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).
By creating DCYF, the Governor and the legislature called for a bold, new approach regarding services for children, youth, and families that emphasizes prevention, measurable outcomes and the authentic engagement of all communites,” said de Haan. “I am honored to be appointed by the Governor and will work diligently with my colleagues on the board and the DCYF leadership to make this vision a reality.
De Haan formerly served as executive director of Partners for Our Children for eight years and is a nationally recognized child welfare expert. At the end of July, de Haan left Partners for Our Children to join the School’s leadership team. The DCYF, established on July 1, 2018, was formed to create more cohesive systems for vulnerable families and children, including state agencies that use a preventive lens and data-informed decision-making. The department combines the Department of Early Learning and the Children’s Administration, formerly part of the Department of Social and Health Services. In July 2019, DSHS’s Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration also will become part of the new department. (Read more about the launch of the Department of Children, Youth and Families.)
The oversight board was created as part of the legislation that formed DCYF to help ensure that the new department achieves intended outcomes and performance measures and complies with administrative acts, statutes, rules and policies pertaining to early learning, juvenile rehabilitation, juvenile justice, and children’s and family services.
The distinguished 18-member DCYF Oversight Board includes:
- Rep. Ruth Kagi, House of Representatives—Early learning subject matter expert
- Annie Lee, Team Child—Subject matter expert in reducing disparities in child outcomes by income, race and ethnicity
- Justice Bobbe Bridge (ret.), Center for Children & Youth Justice—Juvenile rehabilitation and justice subject matter expert
- Annie Blackledge, Mockingbird Society—Representative of an organization that advocates for at-risk youth
- Ben de Haan, UW School of Social Work—Child welfare expert
- Charles Loeffler, DCYF—Child welfare caseworker representative
- Jess Lewis, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction—Foster parent representative
- Judge Frank Cuthbertson, Pierce County Superior Court—Judicial representative for child welfare proceedings and other children’s matters
- Kevin Fuhr, Moses Lake Chief of Police—Law enforcement representative
- Lois Martin, Community Day Center for Children—Early childhood program practitioner representative
- Wendy Thomas, Kalispel Tribe—Eastern Washington tribal representative
- Loni Greninger, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe—Western Washington tribal representative
- Shrounda Selivanoff, Office of Public Defense—Parent stakeholder group representative
- Sydney Forrester, Governor’s Policy Office—Governor’s Office representative (non-voting)
- Rep. Tana Senn, House Democratic Caucus—Legislator
- Rep. Tom Dent, House Republican Caucus—Legislator
- Sen. Jeannie Darneille, Senate Democratic Caucus—Legislator
- Sen. Steve O’Ban, Senate Republican Caucus—Legislator