Working to transform the child welfare system.


Governor Inslee’s 2020 supplemental budget released on Dec 18, 2019

The Partners for Our Children budget highlights is attached to this post and on the website. Our document includes items in the budget most related to children, youth and families.

A few items of note….

  • The Governor included funds to begin implementation of the Family Connections Program; a child-centered, relationship-oriented approach to foster care.
  • Investments were made in homeless youth and children/youth with complex needs.
  • A strong focus is on increasing staffing and service capacity at Juvenile Rehabilitation Institutions.
  • Targeted investments were made in Early Learning, including expanding the grace period for homeless children in Working Connections from four to 12 months.

If you have questions, concerns, see errors or major omissions, please let us know!  Thank you very much for your interest in issues related to children, youth and families!