Item |
Description |
Governor |
House |
Senate |
Office of the Governor |
DCYF Oversight Board |
Gov: Funding for two FTE staff and Oversight Board expenses is provided to the Office of Family and Children’s Ombuds (OFCO), which is tasked with monitoring and ensuring that the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) achieves its stated outcomes. These staff will provide administration and support of the board. (General Fund-State) |
$405,000 GFS/Total |
Phase II of SHB 2106 |
Gov: Phase II of SHB 2106 requires that two demonstration sites be selected in which DSHS would contract out for child welfare services. The current implementation date is December 30, 2019. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal) |
$1.897m GFS $39,000 GFF $1.936m Total |
Foster Parent Liaisons |
Gov: The agency will hire 35 foster parent liaison staff to support foster parents by answering questions and referring foster parents to community resources and supports. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal) |
$3.855m GFS $79,000 GFF $3.394m Total |
Home visiting |
Gov: The Home Visiting program is expanded to serve an additional 275 families beginning in fiscal year 2019. (General Fund-State) |
$2.999M GFS/Total |
BRS rate |
Funding is provided to increase the behavioral rehabilitative services (BRS) rate by $750 per child per month. The rate increase is effective July 2017 for campus facility-based providers and is effective October 2017 for all remaining behavioral rehabilitative service providers. Behavioral rehabilitative services are for foster care children who present the highest behavioral needs and who require the highest level of structured care. (General Fund State) |
$3.499M GFS/Total |
Eclipse |
Gov: Additional one-time state funding is provided in fiscal year 2019 to continue delivering the Early Childhood Intervention Prevention Services (ECLIPSE) program (formerly known as the Medicaid Treatment Child Care program) because use of federal Medicaid dollars to support this program was disallowed in 2014. (Funding also is provided for transportation.) The ECLIPSE program provides early intervention and treatment services for children exposed to environmental, familial and biological risk factors that impact development, behavior and mental health. (General Fund-State) |
$2.543m GFS/Total |
DCYF Implementation |
Gov: Funding is provided to support implementation of the new Department of Children, Youth and Families. The department must submit an expenditure plan to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) and may expend implementation funds after receiving approval of the director of OFM. (General Fund-State) |
$5.0m GFS/Total |
2106 Part II repeal |
Gov: This item repeals provisions that implement Phase II of SHB 2106, requiring that two demonstration sites be selected in which DSHS would contract out for child welfare services. (General Fund-State; General FundFederal) |
($1.897m) GFS ($39,000) GFF ($1.936m) Total |
BRS Rate |
Gov: Funding is provided to increase the behavioral rehabilitative services (BRS) rate by $750 per child per month. The rate increase is retroactive to July 2017 for campus facility-based providers and effective October 2017 for all remaining behavioral rehabilitative service providers. Behavioral rehabilitative services are for foster care children who present the highest behavioral needs and who require the highest level of structured care. (General FundState; General Fund-Fam Supt) |
$2.876m GFS $59,000 GFF $2.935m Total |
Acute mental health programs |
Gov: Funding is provided to hire 15.2 FTE staff to operate acute mental health programs for youth at Green Hill School and the Echo Glen Children’s Center. Youth committed to juvenile rehabilitation have greater treatment needs than other youth in the state juvenile justice system. (General Fund-State) |
$1.462 GFS/Total |
Relief for homeless JR youth |
Gov: Funding is provided to give homeless juvenile rehabilitation (JR) youth who have been released from incarceration safe, stable placement in the community. Funding is also provided for legal advocacy services and temporary housing for an estimated 131 youth each year. (General Fund-State) |
$1.282 GFS/Total |
State IDs for JR youth |
Gov: Youth released from a juvenile rehabilitation (JR) community facility or institution will be provided with a reduced cost, six-year identicard issued by the Department of Licensing. (General Fund-State) |
$3.0m GFS/Total |
Youth long term in-patient access |
Gov: The Behavioral Health Administration contracts with four organizations to operate 37 community-based Children’s Long-Term Program (CLIP) inpatient beds that serve youth in King, Pierce, Spokane and Yakima counties. Funding is provided to increase the daily bed rate from $544 to $883 per day to maintain access to CLIP beds and provide more timely services and treatment to children. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$2.352m GFS $2.352m Medicaid $4.704m Total |
Behavioral health integration transfer |
Gov: Chapter 225, Laws of 2014 requires the Health Care Authority (HCA) and Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to fully integrate physical health care and behavioral health care services to Medicaid clients by January 1, 2020. As part of the second phase of behavioral health integration, all community mental health and substance use disorder programs are transferred from DSHS to HCA, with the exception of the licensing and certification program which will transfer to the Department of Health. This whole-person approach to care offers better coordinated care and consolidates the payment and delivery of physical and behavioral health services for individuals enrolled in Medicaid through managed care. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal; General Fund-Local; other accounts) |
($477.313m) GFS ($612.668m) Other ($1.089,981b) Total |
TANF caseload adjustment |
Gov: Funding is adjusted to reflect the November caseload forecast and per capita costs for the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. (General Fund-State) |
($12.238m) GFS/Total |
WCCC caseload adjustment |
Gov: Funding is adjusted to reflect the November caseload forecast and per capita costs for the Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) program. (General Fund-State) |
$20.745m GFS/ Total |
Eligibility requirements |
Gov: Fiscal calculations for Chapter 21, Laws of 2017, 3rd Special Session (eligibility for public assistance programs) assumed a July 1, 2017 implementation date, but the bill itself did not contain an emergency clause. By law, the Economic Services Administration (ESA) was unable to implement the legislation before October 1, 2017, and is unable to achieve all the assumed savings. (General Fund-State) |
$677,000 GFS/Total |
Increased WCCC program integrity |
Gov: Funding is provided for ESA to fully implement the 2016 Statewide Single Audit Corrective Action Plan for the Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) subsidy program. Additional staff will ensure accuracy of payments and eligibility of clients in cases most prone to error. (General Fund-State) |
$4.225m GFS/Total |
Opioid Crisis |
Gov: This step is part of a multi-agency package to expand treatment and prevention services across the state to prevent opioid-related overdose deaths. Specific investments at the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) include expanding hub and spoke networks and tribal-specific treatment services, increasing Naloxone distribution, expanding the Parent Child Assistance Program and developing a Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) capacity tracking tool where providers will report treatment capacity on a regular basis. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$7.785m GFS $2.315m GFF $10.100m Total |
Youth Drug Prevention Services |
Gov: Funding is provided to continue youth alcohol, marijuana and opioid prevention services in 40 predominately rural communities beyond the September 2018 expiration of the federal Partnership for Success Grant. (Dedicated Marijuana Account-State) |
$1.657 Other/Total |
Behavioral Health Integration Transfer |
Gov: Chapter 225, Laws of 2014 requires the Health Care Authority (HCA) and DSHS to fully integrate physical health care and behavioral health care services to Medicaid clients by January 1, 2020. As part of the second phase of behavioral health integration, all community mental health and substance use disorder programs are transferred from DSHS to HCA, with the exception of the licensing and certification program which will transfer to the Department of Health. This whole-person approach to care offers better coordinated care and consolidates the payment and delivery of physical and behavioral health services for individuals enrolled in Medicaid through managed care. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal; General Fund-Local; other accounts) |
($78,472m) GFS ($363.727m) Other ($442.199m) Total |
DSHS Admin/Supp Services |
DCYF Technical Correction |
Gov: Funding is provided for 12.0 FTE staff for technical corrections needed to address assumptions and calculations that were used in the biennial budget to identify staff affected by the transfer to the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF). (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal) |
$810,000 GFS $343,000 GFF $1.153m Total |
Mentoring Works |
Gov: Mentoring Works Washington is a public-private partnership, where state funds are matched with private donations and used to provide mentoring for youth to fuel positive academic and social/emotional well-being outcomes. Funding is provided to expand and provide more mentoring opportunities for at-risk youth. (General Fund-State) |
$200,000 GFS/Total |
Medicaid Transformation Waiver |
Gov: Funding is provided to align with projected expenditures for Initiatives 1 and 3 under the Medicaid transformation waiver, as recently approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). (General FundFederal; General Fund-Local) |
($22.262m) GFF/Total |
Hospital Safety Net Assessment |
Gov: The Hospital Safety Net Assessment program (HSNA) allows the Health Care Authority (HCA) to collect assessments from Washington state hospitals and use the proceeds for payments to hospitals. Funding is adjusted to align with forecasted enrollment increases for the Hospital Safety Net Assessment program. (General FundMedicaid; Hospital Safety Net Assessment Account-State) |
$1.236m GF-Medicaid; Hosp Safety Net Assess Acct/Total |
Family Managed Care CY2017 |
Gov: Funding is adjusted for actuarially adjusted rates, effective July 2017, for Medicaid eligible groups for calendar year (CY) 2017. Rates were adjusted for multiple factors, the most significant being lower-than-anticipated third party liability costs in managed care. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
($30.829m) GFS ($32,486m) GFF ($63,315m) Total |
Disabled Managed Care CY2017 |
Gov: Funding is adjusted for actuarially adjusted rates, effective July 2017, for Medicaid eligible groups for calendar year (CY) 2017. Rates were adjusted for multiple factors, the most significant being lower-than-anticipated third party liability costs in managed care. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
($29.260m) GFS ($29.298m) GFF ($58.558m) Total |
Expansion Managed Care CY2017 |
Gov: Funding is adjusted for actuarially adjusted rates, effective July 2017, for Medicaid eligible groups for calendar year (CY) 2017. Rates were adjusted for multiple factors, the most significant being lower-than-anticipated third party liability costs in managed care. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
($2.692m) GFS ($41.840m) GFF ($44.532m) Total |
Family Managed Care CY2018 |
Gov: Funding is adjusted for actuarially adjusted rates, effective July 2017, for Medicaid eligible groups for calendar year (CY) 2017. Rates were adjusted for multiple factors, the most significant being lower-than-anticipated third party liability costs in managed care. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$54.087m GFS $64.303m GFF $118.390m Total |
Disabled Managed Care CY2018 |
Gov: Funding is provided for actuarially adjusted rates, effective January 2018, for Medicaid-eligible groups. Funding is adjusted for the Apple Health Blind Disabled program including an 11.8 percent decrease for the general nonintegrated Apple Health regions, a 9.2 percent decrease in the fully integrated southwest Washington region and a 16.4 percent decrease in the newly integrated northcentral Washington region. (General Fund-State; General FundMedicaid) |
$18.202m GFS $18.219m GFF $36.421m Total |
Expansion Managed Care CY2018 |
Gov: Funding is provided for actuarially adjusted rates, effective January 2018, for Medicaid clients enrolled as a result of Affordable Care Act expansion. Funding is adjusted for the expansion population including a 10.3 percent decrease for the general non-integrated Apple Health regions, a 22.2 percent decrease in the fully integrated southwest Washington region and a 5.6 percent decrease in the newly integrated north central Washington region. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$5.537m GFS $82.233m GFF $87.770 Total |
Managed Care Rate Change CY2018 |
Gov: The November 2017 Medical Assistance expenditure forecast assumes a 2 percent rate increase in calendar year 2019 for the Apple Health Family, Blind and Disabled, and Expansion programs. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$14.833m GFS $39.525m GFF $54.358m Total |
Low Income Health Care/I-502 |
Gov: Initiative 502 directed a portion of the revenue from taxes on the sale of marijuana into the Basic Health Trust Account. Those dollars are used in lieu of General Fund-State dollars for capitation payments for Medicaid clients enrolled in managed care plans. (General Fund-State; Basic Health Plan Trust Account-Non-Appr) |
($26.855m) GFS $26.855m GFF $0 Total |
Opioid Response: MAT Rate Increase |
Gov: This step is part of a multi-agency package to expand treatment and prevention services across the state to prevent opioid-related overdose deaths. Funding is provided to increase the Medicaid Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) rate for opioid use disorder to match the Medicare rate to encourage more providers to treat patients with opioid use disorder. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$1.214m GFS $4.942m GFF $6.156m Total |
Behavioral Health Integration |
Gov: Integrating the community mental health and substance use disorder programs with physical health programs at HCA will require updates to information technology systems, updates to rules and procedures and transition costs associated with relocating existing staff. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$3.641m GFS $2.583m GFF $6.224m Total |
COFA Premium Payment Program |
Gov: There is a compact of free association (COFA) between the United States and three nations: Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau. Individuals from COFA nations are legally present in the United States, are not eligible for Medicaid as they are excluded from the category of “qualified immigrants” for purposes of eligibility but are allowed to purchase insurance through the Health Benefit Exchange. The COFA premium payment program provides subsidized health insurance for low-income, legally present Washington residents from COFA nations. Funding is provided for system changes to Healthplanfinder to capture COFA citizenship status and other necessary changes to implement the program. (General Fund-State) |
$2.624m GFS/Total |
Hearing Aids |
Gov: Funding is provided to restore the hearing aid benefit for Medicaid-eligible adults. This will provide hearing aids to an estimated 6,300 adults with hearing loss. (General Fund-State; General Fund-Medicaid) |
$785,000 GFS $2.198m GFF $2.983m Total |
Integration Transfer |
Gov: Chapter 225, Laws of 2014 requires the Health Care Authority (HCA) and Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to fully integrate physical health care and behavioral health (BH) care services to Medicaid clients by January 1, 2020. As part of the second phase of behavioral health integration, all community mental health and substance use disorder programs are transferred from DSHS to HCA, with the exception of the licensing and certification program which will transfer to the Department of Health (DOH). (General Fund-State; General Fund-Federal; General Fund-Local; other accounts) |
$556.306m GFS $976.265m GFF $1,532.571b Total |
Dept. of Commerce |
Families in Crisis Study |
Gov: Funding is provided to conduct a study on the public system response for families in crisis, absent evidence of abuse or neglect, who desire services for effective intervention strategies to address family conflict. The department will work with the Department of Children, Youth and Families; the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts; and local jurisdictions to determine what structural changes to the at-risk youth and child in need of services petition processes, as well as family reconciliation services, may be necessary to improve the delivery of services. (General Fund-State) |
$500,000 GFS/Total |
Gang Prevention Pilot |
Gov: Funding is provided for the city of Yakima to establish a gang prevention pilot program. The pilot program shall be modeled after the Denver Gang Reduction Initiative program, with the goal of creating a sustainable and organized response to gang activity utilizing evidence-based principles. (General Fund-State) |
$150,000 GFS/Total |
Snohomish Co. Diversion |
Gov: Funding is provided for Snohomish County to administer a 40-bed residential criminal justice diversion center pilot program. The objectives of the pilot project are reduced recidivism, reduced use of crisis and emergency resources, decreased behaviors associated with untreated mental health and substance use disorders, increased effective engagement with treatment providers, increased housing stability, and increased rates of employment and financial self-sufficiency. (General Fund-State) |
$500,000 GFS/Total |
Affordable Housing Navigator |
Gov: Additional funding is provided to establish an innovation and technology in affordable housing navigator (IT Housing Navigator) position for outreach and collaboration with the housing development community regarding affordable housing issues. The IT Housing Navigator will provide technical assistance in planning, pre-design and design, permitting and construction of innovative affordable housing technology that reduces overall housing costs as it relates to pre-construction, construction and operations, maintenance and sustainment. (Washington Housing Trust Account-State) |
$250,000 HTF/Total |
Attorney General |
Reduce Child Rescue Fund |
Gov: Expenditure authority for the Child Rescue Fund is reduced to reflect lower than anticipated revenue. (Child Rescue Fund-State) |
$0 GFS ($50,000) CRF/Total |
Dept. of Labor and Industries |
Career Connected Learning |
Gov: Funding is provided for staff at five separately governed state agencies to engage with business and educational stakeholders to identify barriers to youth apprenticeships and make changes to remove these barriers. These staff will also assist the Office of the Governor in developing a strategic plan for youth apprenticeship and careerconnected learning. (Accident Account-State; Medical Aid Account-State) |
$0 GFS $187,000 Other/Total |
Crime Victims Programs |
Gov: Chapter 235, Laws of 2017 made several changes that require the Crime Victims’ Compensation Program to increase reimbursements to providers. As a result of these changes and declining federal grants, benefits funding is projected to run out in fiscal year 2018. Funding is provided to cover projected benefit payouts in fiscal years 2018 and 2019. (General Fund-State) |
$3.860m GFS/Total |
Dept. of Health |
Rural Health Proviso |
Gov: Funding is provided for the Department of Health (DOH) to contract with a nongovernmental entity to address health disparities in rural communities. (General Fund-State) |
$500,000 GFS/Total |
Opioid Response: Data Tracking |
Gov: This item is part of a multi-agency package to build infrastructure to prevent opioid-related overdose deaths in the state. Specific investments within DOH include increased access to the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), and a requirement that all prescribers and pharmacists check the prescription-monitoring program prior to prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance. Other data system improvements will allow for increased coordination among medical professionals, service providers and DOH. (General Fund-State) |
$1.817m GFS/Total |
Behavioral Health Integration |
Gov: Funding is provided to integrate the behavioral health certification and licensing program with the other professional management systems and processes at DOH, which will require updates to information technology systems, updates to rules and procedures, and relocation of existing staff. (General Fund-State) |
$1.009m GFS/Total |
Backfill Early Hearing Program |
New restrictions on federal grant funds used to operate the Early Hearing Detection, Diagnosis and Intervention (EHDDI) program have resulted in an emergent funding shortfall. Funding is provided to maintain the program while the Department of Health (DOH) concurrently develops a long-term funding strategy to ensure program sustainability. (General Fund-State) |
$124,000 GFS/Total |
Expand Newborn Screening Panel |
Gov: Authority is provided for the department to collect fees necessary to conduct blood testing for Pompe disease and MPS-I as part of the mandatory newborn screening panel. (General Fund-Local) |
$683,000 GF-Local/Total |
Behavioral Health Transfer |
Gov: Effective July 1, 2018, the Behavioral Health Certification and Licensing program will transfer from the Department of Social and Health Services to the Department of Health. (General Fund-State; General FundFederal; General Fund-Local) |
$1.386m GFS $1.181m GFF;Local $2.567m Total |
Employment Security |
Career-Connected Learning |
Gov: Funding is provided for staff at five separately governed state agencies to work together to engage with business and educational stakeholders to identify barriers to youth apprenticeship and make changes to remove these barriers. These staff will also assist the Office of the Governor in developing a strategic plan for youth apprenticeship and career-connected learning. (General Fund-Federal) |
$207,000 GFF/Total |
Dept. of Early Learning |
Tiered Reimbursement Adjustment |
Gov: Tiered reimbursement awards are updated based on information received as part of the November 2017 caseload forecast. (General Fund-State) |
$1.495m GFS/Total |
Workforce Training and Ed Coord Board |
Career-Connected Learning |
Gov: Funding is provided for staff at the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Workforce Training Board, Employment Security Department, Department of Labor and Industries and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to assist the Office of the Governor in developing a strategic plan for youth apprenticeship and careerconnected learning. The agencies will engage with business and education stakeholders to inventory existing state and local systems and programs, analyze barriers, and propose policies that support statewide implementation of registered youth apprenticeships. (General Fund-State) |
$156,000 GFS/Total |
Opportunity Scholarship State Match |
Gov: Funding is provided to match private contributions to the Washington Opportunity Scholarship. A public-private partnership, this program provides scholarships to students who have received their high school diploma or GED in Washington state and are pursuing a four-year degree in science, math, technology, engineering or health care. To date, the state has provided $86 million to match private contributions to the program. (Education Legacy Trust Account-State) |
$12.8m Ed Legacy Trust Acct/Total |
Expand Opportunity Scholarship |
Gov: The Opportunity Scholarship is expanded to students enrolled in professional/technical certificates or degrees. This program is a public-private partnership that provides scholarships to low and middle-income students who have received their high school diploma or GED in Washington State and are pursuing a degree in science, math, technology, engineering or health care. State funds will leverage a 100 percent private match. (General FundState) |
$1.0m GFS/Total |
Suicide Prevention Training |
Gov: Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth ages 15-19 in Washington. Funding is provided for evidence-based training and relevant referral resources to help identify struggling students and direct these students to appropriate care. All school staff will have access to online suicide prevention training and students will have access to a text-based crisis hotline. (General Fund-State) |
$65,000 GFS/Total |
High School and Beyond Plan Support |
Gov: Beginning with the 2017-18 school year, students must create High School and Beyond plans beginning in the 7th or 8th grade. Funding supports quality implementation of this work by allocating additional guidance counselors to middle schools and increasing resources and professional development. (General Fund-State; WA Opportunity Pathways Account-State) |
$17.427m GFS $113,000 Ed Pathways Acct $17.540m Total |
Bilingual Educator Initiative |
Gov: The Bilingual Educator Initiative is established in RCW 28A.180.120, subject to funding. Funding the initiative allows the Public Educator Standards Board to partner with two- and four-year colleges to plan and administer a pilot program to recruit, prepare and mentor bilingual high school students interested in becoming teachers or school counselors. Pilot projects will be implemented in one or two districts on each side of the state and support students from middle school through college on their paths to become educators. (General Fund-State) |
$1.0m GFS/Total |
Higher Ed Readiness Outreach |
Gov: The Higher Education Readiness Outreach program supports low-income students through the transition from 8th grade into high school using advising, academic and attendance monitoring, and leadership development. Funding supports the expansion of the program into two high schools in Spokane. (General Fund-State) |
$290,000 GFS/Total |
College Bound Outreach |
Gov: The Washington College Bound program provides support and guidance for low-income students as they progress through high school and into the College Bound scholarship. Funding supports one regional officer at a nonprofit focused on College Bound student success to serve the coast and peninsula regions where a low percentage of eligible students stay on track and complete the steps to receive the scholarship. (General Fund-State) |
$100,000 GFS/Total |
Career-Connected Learning |
Gov: Funding is provided for staff at the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Workforce Training Board, Employment Security Department, Department of Labor and Industries and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to assist the Office of the Governor in developing a strategic plan for youth apprenticeship and careerconnected learning. The agencies will engage with business and education stakeholders to inventory existing state and local systems and programs, analyze barriers and propose policies that support statewide implementation of registered youth apprenticeships. (General Fund-State) |
$156,000 GFS/Total |
Safety Net |
Gov: OSPI is directed to work with the Office of Financial Management and the Legislature to expand the safety net program by lowering the safety net threshold beginning with the 2018-19 school year. Funding provides ten additional staff for the Special Education program, primarily to support the expansion of the safety net program. These staff will support the work of the safety net committee, provide training and support to districts applying for safety net awards, and support compliance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. Increased funding for safety net payments begins in fiscal year 2020 because safety net funds are disbursed in August, the last month of the school year. (General Fund-State) |
$1.250 GFS/Total |
Equity in Student Discipline |
Gov: Funding is provided for additional staff at OSPI to develop and implement a targeted technical assistance and monitoring process to address concerns about equity in student discipline around the state. Students of color and students with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by the use of suspensions and expulsions. Additional program staff will provide districts the support they need to implement evidence-based practices to eliminate these disparities and maintain a safe, positive school climate. (General Fund-State) |
$236,000 GFS/Total |